Tuesday 6 June 2017

Ps Adaptive Gleitender Durchschnitt

Kann essen zu wenig tatsächlich schädigen Ihren Stoffwechsel Erforschung der Wahrheiten und Trugschlüsse der metabolischen Schäden. There8217s eine Menge Diskussion in der Fitness-Branche darüber, ob Crash-Diät kann dazu führen, dass metabolische Schäden. In diesem Artikel nehmen wir dieses interessante Thema an und trennen die Tatsache von der Fiktion. We8217ll auch lehren Sie genau, warum Crash-Diäten könnte zu kämpfen, um Ihr Gewicht in der Zukunft zu halten verbunden sein. Trotz der Ausarbeitung konsequent und intensiv, plus essen sorgfältig, you8217re nicht Gewicht zu verlieren (oder nicht zu verlieren, so schnell wie you8217d wie oder erwarten). Oder du hast bis vor kurzem Gewicht gewichtet. Jetzt stehst du, obwohl du so hart wie immer arbeitest. Oder als du jünger warst, warst du super fit. Vielleicht hast du Fitnesswettbewerbe gemacht. Vielleicht hast du einige Crash-Diäten gemacht. Aber jetzt, auch wenn du die gleiche Anstrengung einsetzst, kannst du nur so schlank sein. Ist mein Stoffwechsel beschädigt Kunden fragen uns diese Frage die ganze Zeit. (Wenn you8217re ein Trainer oder Trainer, you8217ve wahrscheinlich gehört es von Ihren Kunden zu.) Können Monate oder Jahre der Diät eine Art von langfristigen Schaden für die Art und Weise der menschliche Körper verarbeitet Lebensmittel Aber gewinnen und Fett zu verlieren kann die Art und Weise ändern Ihre Gehirn reguliert Ihr Körpergewicht. Um diese Antwort zu verstehen, lernt man, wie der menschliche Stoffwechsel tatsächlich funktioniert. Dann werden wir darüber reden, ob der Stoffwechsel tatsächlich beschädigt werden kann. Anmerkung: Dieser Beitrag taucht in die Wissenschaft der Energiebilanz, der Thermodynamik und der metabolischen Regulierung ein. Wenn du Lust hast, dieses Zeug zu lernen, fühlst du mich frei, wirklich zu graben. Wenn auf der anderen Seite, Sie wollen direkt auf die 8220how to8221 für Gewichtsverlust, Fettabbau und brechen Plateaus springen, fühlen Sie sich frei, um die Zusammenfassung am Ende zu überspringen. Energiebilanz: Die Gesetze der Physik gelten noch. Du brauchst eine gewisse Energiemenge (in Form von Kalorien), um am Leben zu bleiben und sich zu bewegen. Sie können diese Energie aus der Nahrung holen, oder Sie können sie aus gespeicherter Energie (z. B. Ihrem Fettgewebe) abrufen. Wenn Sie weniger Energie essen als Sie aufwenden, sollten Sie Gewicht verlieren. Wenn du das Gegenteil machst (d. H. Essen mehr Energie als du verbrauchst) solltest du an Gewicht zunehmen. Mit anderen Worten: Wir verwenden den Begriff Körper speichert bewusst, wie es die Gewebe für den Durchbruch (Fett, Muskel, Organ, Knochen, etc.) und schließt Wasser (die Körpergewicht unabhängig von Energiebilanz ändern können). Diese Beziehung zwischen Energie in8217 und Energie out8217 heißt die Energiebilanzgleichung. Und it8217s das am häufigsten akzeptierte Modell für die Berechnung einer Person8217s Energiebilanz und wie viel Gewicht sie8217ll verlieren oder gewinnen im Laufe der Zeit. Während die Energiebalance-Gleichung das Körpergewicht bestimmt, erzählt es uns nicht viel über die Körperzusammensetzung, die von Sachen wie Sexualhormone, Makronährstoffaufnahme (insbesondere Protein), Übungsstil-Frequenzintensität, Alter, Medikamentengebrauch, genetische Prädisposition und vieles mehr beeinflusst wird . Verständlicherweise sind die Leute wirklich frustriert und verwirrt mit der Energiebilanz Gleichung, wenn die Zahlen don8217t scheinen zu addieren, oder ihre Ergebnisse don8217t passen ihre Erwartungen. (Das ist eine gute Lektion, übrigens über die Wichtigkeit, Ihre Erwartungen an die beobachtbare Realität anzupassen.) Und es ist eine schöne Frustration. Die meiste Zeit, die Zahlen don8217t add up. Dieses Missverhältnis zwischen Erwartungen und Wirklichkeit ist nicht, weil die Energiebilanzgleichung falsch ist oder ein Mythos. Nobody8217s Körper widersetzt sich den Gesetzen der Physik, obwohl es manchmal so aussieht. It8217s weil die Gleichung komplizierter ist, als es klingt. Viele Faktoren beeinflussen die Energiebilanzgleichung, die sie gegenseitig ausschließen. Was machst du mit Energie in8217 beeinflusst was passiert mit Energie out8217. Und umgekehrt. Essen Sie weniger, bewegen Sie mehr ist ein guter Anfang. (Die meisten von uns könnten vermutlich davon profitieren, ein wenig weniger zu essen und ein bisschen mehr tägliche Aktivität zu bekommen.) Aber dieser Rat allein ist nicht genug. Es wird nicht alle komplexen, schneidenden Faktoren berücksichtigt. Let8217s werfen einen Blick auf einige dieser Faktoren, beginnend mit der Energie in8217 Teil der Gleichung. Energie in8217 ist schwieriger als du denkst. Grund 1: Die Anzahl der Kalorien in einer Mahlzeit ist wahrscheinlich nicht mit der Anzahl der Kalorien auf den Etiketten oder dem Menü übereinstimmen. Das klingt schwer zu glauben, aber es ist wahr, wie die Unternehmen (und sogar die Regierung) mit Kalorien - und Nährstoffschätzungen kommen, ist unglaublich komplex, eher ungenau und jahrhundertealt. Als Ergebnis können Lebensmittel-Etiketten um so viel wie 20-25 Prozent ausgeschaltet werden. Und selbst wenn diese Lebensmitteletiketten richtig waren: Grund 2: Die Menge an Energie, die ein Lebensmittel in Form von Kalorien enthält, ist nicht unbedingt die Menge an Energie, die wir aufnehmen, speichern und verwenden. Denken Sie daran, dass das Essen, das wir essen, von unseren einzigartigen Körpern verdaut und verarbeitet werden muss. Die unzähligen Schritte in der Verdauung, Verarbeitung, Absorption, Lagerung und Nutzung sowie unsere eigene individuelle physiologische Make-up können alle ändern die Energiebilanz Spiel. So zum Beispiel: Wir absorbieren weniger Energie aus minimal verarbeiteten Kohlenhydraten und Fetten, weil sie schwerer zu verdauen sind. Wir absorbieren mehr Energie aus hoch verarbeiteten Kohlenhydraten und Fetten, weil sie einfacher zu verdauen sind. (Denken Sie es auf diese Weise: Je mehr verarbeitet ein Essen ist, desto mehr Verdauung Arbeit ist bereits für Sie getan.) Zum Beispiel hat die Forschung gezeigt, dass wir mehr Fett von Erdnussbutter als von ganzen Erdnüssen aufnehmen. Die Forscher fanden heraus, dass fast 38 Prozent des Fettes in Erdnüssen in den Stuhl ausgeschieden wurden, anstatt vom Körper absorbiert zu werden. Während scheinbar das ganze Fett in der Erdnussbutter absorbiert wurde. Wir absorbieren oft mehr Energie aus Nahrungsmitteln, die gekocht werden (under gehackt, eingeweicht, gemischt), weil diese Prozesse pflanzliche und tierische Zellen zerlegen und ihre Bioverfügbarkeit erhöhen. Beim Essen rohe stärkehaltige Lebensmittel (wie Süßkartoffeln), nehmen wir sehr wenige der Kalorien. Nach dem Kochen aber sind die Stärken viel mehr verfügbar für uns, verdreifachen die Anzahl der Kalorien absorbiert. Interessanterweise, so dass stärkehaltige Lebensmittel dann abkühlen lassen, bevor sie essen, verringert die Menge an Kalorien, die wir aus ihnen wieder extrahieren können. (Dies ist vor allem auf die Bildung von resistenten Stärken zurückzuführen). Wir können mehr oder weniger Energie je nach Art der Bakterien in unserem Darm aufnehmen. Manche Menschen haben größere Populationen eines Bacteroidetes (eine Art von Bakterien), die besser bei der Gewinnung von Kalorien aus zähen Pflanzenzellwänden als andere Bakterienarten sind. Hier ist ein interessantes Beispiel für diesen ganzen Prozess bei der Arbeit. Vor kurzem haben USDA-Forscher Test-Probanden gebeten, 45 Gramm (etwa 1 Portionen) von Walnüssen täglich für drei Wochen zu konsumieren. Was sie fanden, war, dass im Durchschnitt die Menschen nur 146 der 185 Kalorien in den Nüssen absorbierten. Dass8217s 79 Prozent des Kaloriengehalts auf dem Etikett sind. In ähnlicher Forschung absorbierten die Menschen auch nur 80 Prozent der Kalorien in Mandeln und 95 Prozent der Kalorien in Pistazien. Über den Durchschnitt hinaus gab es individuelle Unterschiede: Manche Menschen absorbierten mehr von der Energie in den Nüssen, während einige weniger absorbierten (wahrscheinlich aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Populationen von Bakterien in ihren Dickdarm). Am Ende, durch das Essen eine Diät reich an ganzen, minimal verarbeitete Lebensmittel, die Anzahl der Kalorien, die Sie absorbieren können deutlich weniger als das, was Sie erwarten. Außerdem benötigen sie mehr Kalorien zu verdauen. Umgekehrt werden Sie mehr Kalorien durch den Verzehr von vielen verarbeiteten Lebensmitteln zu absorbieren, und verbrennen weniger Kalorien im Verdauungsprozess. (Darüber hinaus sind hoch verarbeitete Lebensmittel weniger Füllung, mehr Energie dicht, und eher zu übermäßigem Essen führen.) Da die Anzahl der Kalorien jemand denkt, dass sie bis 25 Prozent (oder mehr) ausgeschaltet werden könnten, ihre sorgfältig kuratierte tägliche Einnahme von 1.600 Kalorien könnten wirklich 1.200 oder 2.000 sein. Das bedeutet: Wie Sie sehen können, gibt es eine große Fehlergrenze für den Energieeintrag, auch wenn Sie einen gewissenhaften Kalorienzähler haben. Damit wird die Energiebilanzgleichung ungültig. Es bedeutet nur, dass, wenn Sie eine genaue Berechnung wollen, müssen Sie wahrscheinlich in einem ausgefallenen metabolischen Labor leben. Für die meisten Leute ist es nicht der Mühe wert (das ist, warum Precision Nutrition zu einem handbasierten Messmodell für Portionen bewegt wurde). Energie out8217 variiert viel von Person zu Person. Energie out8217 wieder, Energie durch den täglichen Stoffwechsel verbrannt und bewegt dich herum ist eine dynamische, immer wechselnde Variable. Es gibt vier Schlüsselteile zu diesem komplexen System: 1. Resting metabolic rate (RMR) RMR ist die Anzahl der Kalorien, die Sie jeden Tag in Ruhe verbrennen, nur um zu atmen, zu denken und zu leben. Dies entspricht etwa 60 Prozent Ihrer Energie out8217 und hängt von Gewicht, Körperzusammensetzung, Geschlecht, Alter, genetischer Prädisposition und möglicherweise (wieder) der bakteriellen Population Ihres Darms ab. Ein größerer Körper hat im Allgemeinen eine höhere RMR. Ein 150-Pfund-Mann könnte eine RMR von 1583 Kalorien pro Tag haben. Ein 200-Pfund-Mann könnte eine RMR von 1905 Kalorien haben. Ein 250-Pfund-Mann könnte eine RMR von 2164 Kalorien haben. Entscheidend, RMR variiert bis zu 15 Prozent von Person zu Person. Wenn du diesen 200-Pfund-Kerl mit einer RMR von 1905 Kalorien bekommst, kann ein anderer Kerl, der gerade wie Sie auf dem nächsten Laufband ist, 286 mehr (oder weniger) Kalorien jeden Tag mit nicht mehr (oder weniger) Aufwand verbrennen. 2. Thermische Wirkung des Essens (TEE) Das kann Sie überraschen, aber es braucht Energie, um Nahrung zu verdauen. Verdauung ist ein aktiver Stoffwechsel. (Das Personal war sehr hilfsbereit und höflich und hilfsbereit. Das Personal war sehr freundlich und hilfsbereit. Das Personal war sehr hilfsbereit und freundlich.

Das Personal war sehr freundlich und hilfsbereit. Dies entspricht etwa 5-10 Prozent Ihrer Energie out8217. Im Allgemeinen verbrennen Sie mehr Kalorien in Ihrem Bemühen zu verdauen und absorbieren Protein (20-30 Prozent seiner Kalorien) und Kohlenhydrate (5-6 Prozent) als Sie Fette (3 Prozent). Und wie bereits erwähnt, verbrennen Sie mehr Kalorien verdauen minimal verarbeitete Vollwertkost im Vergleich zu hoch verarbeiteten Lebensmitteln. 3. Körperliche Aktivität (PA) PA ist die Kalorien, die du aus zielgerichteter Übung verbrennst, wie zum Laufen, Laufen, Gehen in die Turnhalle, Gartenarbeit, Fahrradfahren usw. Natürlich, wie viel Energie, die du durch PA ausgibst, wird sich je nachdem wie ändern Viel du dich vorsichtig umziehen. 4. Nicht-Übung Aktivität Thermogenese (NEAT) NEAT ist die Kalorien Sie brennen durch Zappeln, bleiben aufrecht, und alle anderen körperlichen Aktivitäten außer zielgerichtete Übung. Auch dies variiert von Person zu Person und Tag zu Tag. Das bedeutet: Jeder von ihnen ist sehr variabel. Was bedeutet, dass die Energie out8217 Seite der Gleichung kann genauso schwer zu festzusetzen, wie die Energie in der Seite. Also, während die Energiebilanzgleichung grundsätzlich einfach klingt, machen alle diese Variablen es schwer, genau zu wissen oder zu kontrollieren, wie viel Energie Sie einnehmen, absorbieren, brennen und speichern. Wenn du versuchst, deinen Körper zu überlisten und du siehst dich zurück. Auch wenn alle Variablen in der obigen Endgleichung statisch waren, wäre die Energiebilanzgleichung kompliziert genug. Aber die Dinge werden verrückt, wenn man bedenkt, dass die Veränderung einer der Variablen Anpassungen in anderen, scheinbar nicht zusammenhängenden Variablen verursacht. Das ist natürlich eine gute Sache. Unser menschlicher Stoffwechsel entwickelte sich, um uns lebendig zu halten und zu funktionieren, wenn das Essen knapp war. Eine Konsequenz: Wenn Energie in8217 untergeht, geht Energie out8217 unten, um es zu entsprechen. (Sie verbrennen weniger Kalorien als Reaktion auf weniger essen). Nicht in jedem. Und nicht perfekt. Aber das, wie das System arbeiten soll. That8217s wie unsere Körper vermeiden unerwünschte Gewichtsverlust und Hunger. It8217s, wie Menschen für 2 Millionen Jahre überlebt haben. Der Körper kämpft um die Homöostase zu erhalten. Ebenso, wenn Energie in8217 steigt, tendiert Energie out8217 auch zu hoch. (Sie verbrennen mehr Kalorien als Reaktion auf das Essen mehr). Um diesen Punkt zu veranschaulichen, hier, wie dein Körper versucht, dein Gewicht stabil zu halten, wenn du weniger Energie nimmst und anfängst, Gewicht zu verlieren. Die thermische Wirkung des Essens geht, weil Sie weniger essen. Die ruhende Stoffwechselrate sinkt, weil Sie weniger wiegen. Kalorien verbrannt durch körperliche Aktivität gehen, da Sie weniger wiegen. Nicht-Übung Aktivität Thermogenese sinkt, wie Sie weniger essen. Kalorien nicht absorbiert geht und Sie absorbieren mehr von dem, was Sie essen. Diese Antwort ist zunächst besonders bescheiden. Aber die Anpassung geht wirklich hoch, wenn du mehr Gewicht verlierst. (Oder wenn du anfing, schlank zu werden und versuchst, super-schlank zu werden). Schauen Sie, was das aussieht: Zusätzlich zu diesen greifbaren Auswirkungen auf die Gleichung, reduziert die tatsächlichen Kalorien gegessen auch dazu führen, dass Hungersignale zu erhöhen, so dass wir zu sehnen (und vielleicht essen) mehr. Der Netto-Effekt führt zu einer viel niedrigeren Rate von Gewichtsverlust, als Sie erwarten könnten. In einigen Fällen könnte es sogar dazu führen, dass das Gewicht wieder zu gewinnen. Um Beleidigung der Verletzung hinzuzufügen, kann ein Anstieg der Cortisol aus dem Stress der Diät dazu führen, dass unsere Körper auf mehr Wasser zu halten, so dass wir uns weicher und weniger schlank als wir tatsächlich sind. Interessanterweise ist dies nur ein Beispiel für die erstaunliche und robuste Antwort auf den Versuch, eine Variable zu manipulieren (in diesem Fall, tatsächliche Kalorien gegessen). Es gibt ähnliche Antworten, wenn man versucht, jede der anderen Variablen in der Gleichung zu manipulieren. Zum Beispiel schlägt die Forschung vor, dass die Erhöhung der körperlichen Aktivität über einer bestimmten Schwelle (durch die Ausübung mehr) auslösen kann: Erhöhter Appetit und mehr tatsächliche Kalorien gegessen Verringerte Kalorien nicht absorbiert, da wir mehr von dem aufnehmen, was wir essen Verringert RMR Verringert NEAT In diesem Fall, hier8217 was was? Die Gleichung würde aussehen: Am Ende sind dies nur zwei der vielen Beispiele, die wir teilen könnten. Der Punkt ist, dass der Stoffwechsel viel komplizierter (und interdependent) ist, als die meisten Menschen denken. Das Verständnis der Energiebilanz bedeutet, bessere Erwartungen an den Körperwechsel zu setzen. Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass, wenn Sie viel Körperfett zu verlieren haben, viele dieser Anpassungen (d. h. abgesenkt RMR, PA, NEAT, etc) don8217t passieren sofort. Aber, wie Sie schlanker werden, tritt diese adaptive Thermogenese ein. It8217s auch wichtig zu wissen, dass, wie Ihr Stoffwechsel reagiert auf Veränderungen in der Energiebilanz wird Ihnen einzigartig sein. Wie viel Sie verlieren oder gewinnen können, hängt von Ihrem Alter, Ihrem genetischen Make-up, Ihrem biologischen Sex ab, wenn Sie mehr oder weniger Körperfett haben und wie lange, welche Medikamente Sie nehmen, das Make-up Ihres Mikrobioms und wahrscheinlich eine ganze Menge Von Faktoren, die wir noch nicht kennen. Aber lass mal versuchen zu simulieren, wie das funktionieren könnte. Wissenschaftler an den nationalen Instituten der Gesundheit haben die Daten von den Leuten studiert, die Gewicht verloren haben und ein mathematisches Modell geschaffen haben, das darstellt, wie Gewicht und Fettabbau tatsächlich in der realen Welt geschieht. Let8217s beginnen mit einem 40-jährigen Mann mit einem Startgewicht von 235 Pfund und einer Höhe von 5821710. We8217ll nennen ihn Frank. Frank arbeitet einen Schreibtischjob und ist nur wenig aktiv außerhalb der Arbeit. Dies berechnet, dass er 2.976 Kalorien Energie pro Tag benötigt, um sein aktuelles Gewicht zu erhalten. Durch Abklopfen von 500 Kalorien pro Tag, fällt seine Aufnahme auf 2.476 Kalorien täglich. Und er plant nicht, seine körperliche Aktivität zu ändern. Nun, Sie haben wahrscheinlich irgendwo gehört, dass ein Pfund entspricht 3.500 Kalorien, was bedeutet, dass, wenn wir diese 500 Kalorien von Frank jeden Tag nehmen, sollte er 1 Pfund pro Woche (500 x 7 Tage 3500 Kalorien) zu verlieren. Er sollte am Ende bei 183 Pfund nach einem Jahr konsequent essen 500 weniger Kalorien jeden Tag. (Nach dieser Mathematik, dann würde er 0 Pfund innerhalb von 5 Jahren wiegen, was einige rote Fahnen erheben sollte.) Aber wir wissen, dass es genau so funktioniert, wie es im wirklichen Leben funktioniert. Am Ende eines Jahres kommt Frank auf die Waage. He8217s 205 Pfund. Das ist mehr als ich sein sollte Frank wütet zu seiner Frau Maria, die wissend lächelt. She8217s 40 auch, und hat versucht, Gewicht zu verlieren, da zwei Kinder in ihrer Mitte der 30er Jahre. Erzähl mir davon, sagt sie. I8217ve verloren und gewann die gleichen 10 Pfund über und über, obwohl I8217ve trainiert und essen ziemlich gesund. Dann denken sie beide: Vielleicht sollte ich doch versuchen, diesen Saft zu reinigen. Mein Körper ist offensichtlich kaputt. Nein, niemand ist kaputt. Don8217t getroffen, dass Saft reinigen nur noch. Stattdessen könnten Frank und Maria beide von einem klaren Verständnis davon profitieren, wie Gewichtsverlust tatsächlich funktioniert. Dann können sie geeignete Verhaltensziele setzen und realistische Erwartungen für ihren Fortschritt haben. (Postscript: Frank und Maria entscheiden sich gegen den Saft schnell und einschreiben in Precision Nutrition Coaching. Am Ende eines Jahres hat Maria8217s nur insgesamt 7 Pfund verloren, hat aber 5 Pfund Muskeln gewonnen, was bedeutet, dass sie 8217s verloren haben 12 Pfund Fett. Ihre festen Arme und glühenden Haut sind der Neid der anderen Mütter, Frank ist unten 185 Pfund und versucht herauszufinden, wie man Maria davon überzeugt, dass er ein Mountainbike kaufen sollte.) Also, Diät beschädigt den Stoffwechsel Trotz allem, was du bist Kann gehört haben: Gewichtsverlust gewinnt den Stoffwechsel. Aber wegen der Anpassungen, die Ihr Körper in Reaktion auf Fettabbau (um zu verhindern, dass Fettabbau in der Tat), Energie out8217 für diejenigen, die erhebliches Gewicht verloren haben wird immer niedriger als für Menschen, die immer mager waren. Abnehmen und halten es ab, wird von adaptiven metabolischen, neuroendokrinen, autonomen und anderen Veränderungen begleitet. Diese Veränderungen bedeuten, dass wir weniger Energie 8212 um 5-10 Prozent weniger (oder bis zu 15 Prozent weniger auf extremen Niveaus) aufwenden, als was vorhergesagt werden würde, basierend auf nur weniger abwägen. Leider, wegen dieser adaptiven Antwort, wird jemand, der unten abgestürzt hat oft 5-15 Prozent weniger Kalorien pro Tag, um das Gewicht und körperliche Aktivität zu halten, als jemand, der schon immer das Gewicht war. (Oder noch weniger, potenziell, denn wie wir schon von Anfang an gelernt haben, kann die RMR von Menschen mit dem exakt gleichen ageweightetc. Noch um bis zu 15 Prozent variieren.) Das bedeutet, dass jemand, der nie übergewichtig war, 2500 Kalorien benötigen würde, um zu pflegen Ihr Gewicht, während jemand, der Diät bis zu diesem Gewicht hatte, nur 2,122-2.375 Kalorien benötigen, um fest zu halten. Wir wissen nicht, wie lange dieser gesunkene Energieaufwand dauert. Studien haben gezeigt, dass es bis zu 7 Jahre nach Gewichtsverlust herumhängen kann (oder mehr, 7 Jahre ist so weit wie es8217s untersucht wurde). Das bedeutet wahrscheinlich, dass es dauerhaft oder zumindest beharrlich ist. Dies ist besonders relevant für Menschen, die wiederholt ausgedient haben, oder für Fitness-Konkurrenten, die wiederholt schwanken können zwischen extrem schlank und übergewichtig in der Nebensaison. Ich habe keine Daten, um dies zu sichern (meines Wissens hat niemand es studiert), aber die adaptive Thermogenese scheint mit jedem sukzessiven Jo-Jo von extremen Körperfettschwankungen stärker oder schneller zu reagieren. All dies erklärt, warum manche Leute fühlen können, wie sie ihren Stoffwechsel durch wiederholtes Diät beschädigt haben. (Und warum einige Experten vorschlagen, metabolische Schäden ist eine echte Sache.) Aber nichts ist wirklich beschädigt worden. Stattdessen sind ihre Körper gerade vorhersehbar empfindlicher gegenüber verschiedenen Hormonen und Neurotransmittern. Ihre metabolischen Raten sind verständlicherweise niedriger als durch verschiedene Laborgleichungen vorhergesagt. Also, wo verlässt uns das Körperwechsel wird für einige Leute härter und für andere leichter. Das kann alle physiologischen Veränderungen bedeuten: Gewichtsverlust oder Gewinn, Fettabbau oder Gewinn und Muskelverlust oder Gewinn. Aber auch wenn Ihr Körper könnte Gewichtsverlust widerstehen, können Sie immer noch Gewicht verlieren, Muskel zu gewinnen, und dramatisch ändern Sie Ihren Körper. Unsere men8217s und women8217s Finalist Halls of Fame sind eindeutige Beweise dafür. Was als nächstes zu tun ist: Einige Tipps von Precision Nutrition. Die Physiologie der Gewichtsabnahme ist kompliziert, aber die besten Strategien für Fett zu verlieren und halten es aus don8217t müssen sein. 1. Essen Sie viel Protein. Protein ist wichtig, wenn Gewicht zu verlieren Fett aus ein paar Gründen. Protein hilft Ihnen, die wichtigste schlanke Körpermasse (die Bindegewebe, Organe und Knochen sowie Muskeln enthält) zu halten. Protein erhöht die Sättigung signifikant, was bedeutet, dass Sie sich beim Essen weniger fühlen. (Und essen mehr Protein oft verursacht Menschen zu essen weniger insgesamt.) Nur durch den Verzehr von mehr Protein verbrennen Sie mehr Kalorien, wegen der erhöhten thermischen Wirkung des Essens. Zum Beispiel, wenn you8217re essen 2.500 Kalorien täglich, 15 Prozent von Protein, 50 Prozent von Kohlenhydrate und 35 Prozent von Fetten (etwa durchschnittlich für US-Erwachsenen), you8217re brennen etwa 185 Kalorien pro Tag durch die Verdauung. Pflegen Sie Ihre gesamte Kalorienzufuhr, aber erhöhen Sie das Protein auf 30 Prozent, fallen Sie Kohlenhydrate auf 40 Prozent und whittle Fett auf 30 Prozent, und Ihr T-STÜCK geht auf ungefähr 265 Kalorien pro Tag. Für die meisten aktiven Männer: 6-8 Palme-Portionen von Protein pro Tag. Für die meisten aktiven Frauen: 4-6 Palmen-Portionen pro Tag. 2. Essen Sie eine Vielzahl von Früchten, Gemüse, Qualität Kohlenhydrate und gesunde Fette. Gemüse ist mit Vitaminen, Mineralien, Phytonährstoffen, Wasser und Faser geladen, um Ihnen zu helfen, während der Mahlzeiten zu füllen, bleiben Sie zwischen den Mahlzeiten voll, halten Sie gesund und erholen Sie sich von Ihrem Training. Wir empfehlen 6-8 Faust-Portionen pro Tag für die meisten aktiven Männer. Und 4-6 Faust-Portionen pro Tag für die meisten aktiven Frauen. Die Kohlenhydrate tanken das Training, steigern Leptin (ein super wichtiges Hormon), halten Sex-Hormone und verhindern Gefühle von Deprivation. Und die Fette halten auch Sex-Hormone, steigern das Immunsystem, unterdrücken überschüssige Entzündungen, und machen Essen Geschmack wirklich gut. Für die meisten aktiven Männer, das wäre 6-8 Handvoll Qualität Kohlenhydrate und 6-8 Daumen von gesunden Fetten pro Tag. Für die meisten aktiven Frauen, 4-6 Handvoll Qualität Kohlenhydrate und 4-6 Daumen von gesunden Fetten pro Tag. 3. Passen Sie Ihre Aufnahme als Plateau an oder um Plateaus zu vermeiden. Wenn Ihr Gewichtsverlust fortschreitet, müssen Sie Ihre Kalorienzufuhr weiter senken, um weiter voranzuschreiten, da Ihr kleinerer Körper weniger Kalorien verbrennen wird und Ihr Körper sich an Ihre Ernährung anpasst. Seien Sie bereit, bereit und in der Lage, Portionen anzupassen, indem Sie 1-2 Handvoll Kohlen und 1-2 Daumen Fette von Ihrer täglichen Einnahme entfernen. Dann neu einstellen und weiter nach Bedarf anpassen. Allerdings fand eine Studie, dass Gewichtsverlust Plateaus haben weniger zu tun mit metabolischen Anpassungen und mehr mit einem intermittierenden Mangel an Diät-Adhärenz zu tun. Mit anderen Worten, nicht wirklich an einem Ernährungsplan konsequent festhalten. Die Forschung zeigt, dass wir normalerweise denken, dass wir weniger essen und mehr trainieren als wir wirklich sind. So eine objektive Überprüfung Ihrer tatsächlichen Energie in und out vor der Annahme, dass Ihr Körper blockiert Ihre Bemühungen. 4. Verstehen Sie, dass dies komplex ist. So viele Dinge beeinflussen was, warum, und wenn wir uns entscheiden zu essen. Zu oft wird das Essen und die Körpergröße Fett auf Mangel an Wissen, Mangel an Willenskraftdisziplin oder Faulheit beschuldigt. In Wirklichkeit werden die Nahrungsaufnahme und die Körperzusammensetzung durch eine Mischung aus physiologischen, biologischen, psychologischen, sozialen, ökonomischen und lebensstillichen Einflüssen sowie individuelle Kenntnisse oder Überzeugungen geregelt. Eine der einfachsten Möglichkeiten, Ihre Entscheidungsprozesse zu vereinfachen, ist die Schaffung einer Umgebung, die gute Ernährungswahlen fördert und die Armen entmutigt. Dies kann bedeuten, Änderungen an Ihrem täglichen Routine, die Sie Zeit mit verbringen, wo Sie Zeit verbringen, und was Essen ist leicht zugänglich für Sie. Aber denken Sie daran, dass Gewichtsverlust kann und sollte relativ langsam sein, also zielen darauf ab, etwa 0,5-1 Prozent Ihres Körpergewichts pro Woche zu verlieren. Dies hilft, Muskelmasse aufrechtzuerhalten und die adaptiven metabolischen Reaktionen auf eine geringere Kalorienzufuhr und daraus resultierenden Gewichtsverlust zu minimieren. Schneller Gewichtsverlust neigt dazu, mehr Muskelverlust ohne zusätzlichen Fettabbau, sowie eine größere adaptive Antwort zu ergeben. 5. Zyklus Kalorien und Kohlenhydrate. Für Leute, die versuchen, ganz schlank zu werden, irgendwann können Sie sich nur auf lineare Diät verlassen, um Sie dort zu bekommen. Durch strategisch Radfahren Kalorien und Kohlenhydrate. Sie können helfen zu begrenzen, wie viel der Stoffwechsel-regulierende Hormon Leptin fällt (oder vorübergehend steigern sie sich zurück) 8211 Dämpfung der adaptiven und Hunger Antwort. Anmerkung: Dies ist eine übergeordnete Strategie für Fitness-Konkurrenten und Elite-Athleten, die sehr schlank bekommen müssen (d. H. 6-9 Prozent Körperfett für Männer und 16-19 Prozent für Frauen). Es ist nicht etwas für die durchschnittliche Person. 6. Refeed regelmäßig. Wenn man auf extreme Ebenen der Magerkeit, auch strategische Kalorien-und Carb-Radfahren könnte nicht genug sein. So nehmen Sie die großen Kanonen heraus und beschäftigen Sie einige periodische Re-Feeds, um vorübergehend Leptin und Insulin zu steigern und Fettabbau zu halten. Anmerkung: Dies ist eine übergeordnete Strategie für Fitness-Konkurrenten und Elite-Athleten, die sehr schlank bekommen müssen (d. h. lt6 Prozent Körperfett für Männer und 16 Prozent für Frauen). 7. Mischen Sie eine Mischung aus Resistenz, Herz-Kreislauf - und Erholungsaktivität. Resistance Training hilft Ihnen, lebenswichtige Muskelmasse aufrechtzuerhalten, Kalorien zu verbrennen und die Glukosetoleranz zu verbessern. Herz-Kreislauf-Übung verbessert die Gesundheit Ihres Herz-Kreislauf-System, hilft Ihnen, Energie zu verbrauchen, und kann die Erholung zu verbessern. Aber irgendwie übertreiben sie sich. Recovery-Arbeiten (z. B. Schaumwalzen, Wandern, Yoga) hilft Ihnen, Konsistenz und Intensität mit Resistenz und Cardio-Training zu erhalten, wodurch sie effektiver werden. Und es hilft, Stress abzubauen (Senkung Cortisol), die auch hilft Ihnen, Körperfett zu verlieren und halten Sie es aus. Ziel für 3-5 Stunden pro Woche von gezielter Aktivität. 8. Finden Sie Wege, um NEAT zu erhöhen. Holen Sie sich einen Stand-up oder Tretmühle Schreibtisch, zappeln, Tempo, wenn am Telefon, nehmen Sie die Treppe, Park weiter weg von wo you8217re gehen, etc. Diese kleinen Anstieg der Aktivität kann einen großen Unterschied machen und kann für Hunderte von täglichen Kalorien . 9. Entwickeln Sie eine solide Nachtruhe Routine und verwalten Sie Ihren Stress. Der Schlaf ist genauso wichtig für Ihren Erfolg wie Ernährung und Aktivität. Don8217t behaupten, dass Sie mit weniger kommen können. Es ist einfach nicht wahr. Oft, wenn die Menschen ihren Stress senken, verlieren sie viel Körperwasser. Dann merken sie auch, dass sie auch Fett verloren haben können. (Plus, können sie entdecken, dass chronische Entzündung geht einen weiteren Sieg.) Dazu gehören geistige und emotionale Stress. Die Forschung über kognitive diätetische Zurückhaltung (d. h. Sorgen und Betonung über Nahrung) zeigt, dass ständig und negativ fixieren auf, was Sie essen (oder don8217t) kann die gleiche ungesunde Wirkung wie tatsächlich Diät streng haben. Dennoch brauchen wir etwas Stress, um tatsächlich mit Fortschritt und Wachstum zu helfen, also finde deinen Stress süßen Fleck. 10. Habe ein gewisses Mitgefühl. Es werden Mahlzeiten oder Tage sein, an denen du nicht essen möchtest. It8217s OK Es passiert jedem. Erkennen Sie es, akzeptieren Sie es, verzeihen Sie sich und kommen Sie dann wieder auf den richtigen Weg. Forschung zeigt tatsächlich, dass Selbst-Mitgefühl und flexibles Essen mit niedrigeren BMI und ein gesünderes Körpergewicht, niedrigere Selbst-berichtete Kalorienzufuhr, weniger Angst und Stress und eine bessere Beziehung mit Nahrung verbunden ist. Und stellen Sie sicher, dass der Körper, den Sie wirklich wollen, ausgerichtet mit dem Leben, das Sie wirklich genießen Verstehen Sie, was erforderlich ist, um verschiedene Ebenen der Körperzusammensetzung zu erreichen. Betrachten Sie die Auswirkungen, die auf Ihr Leben haben werden, und wählen Sie entsprechend. Wollen Sie Hilfe finden, Ernährungsstrategien, die mit Ihrem Leben, Physiologie und Ziele arbeiten, um Gewicht zu verlieren, gewinnen Sie schlank und verbessern Sie unsere Gesundheit ist nicht immer so einfach wie wir es auch sein mögen. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach Anleitung sind, helfen wir Ihnen gerne weiterzuhelfen. We8217ll bald eine Gruppe von neuen Kunden auf der Suche nach fachmännischen Unterstützung, alle als Teil unserer Precision Nutrition Coaching-Programm. Wenn Sie interessiert sind und mehr erfahren möchten, ermutigen Sie, dass Sie sich unserer Vorverkaufsliste anschließen. Auf der Vorverkaufsliste gibt es zwei besondere Vorteile. Youll bezahlt weniger als alle anderen. Bei Precision Nutrition belohnen wir die interessiertesten und motivierten Menschen, denn sie machen immer die besten Kunden. Verbinden Sie die Vorverkaufsliste und geben Sie Ihnen über 45 weg von den monatlichen Kosten des Präzisions-Nahrung-Trainings, das der niedrigste Preis ist, den wir je angeboten haben. Sie werden eher einen Platz bekommen. Um den Klienten die persönliche Betreuung und Aufmerksamkeit zu geben, die sie verdienen, öffnen wir das Programm nur zweimal im Jahr. Letztes Mal haben wir die Registrierung eröffnet, wir haben uns innerhalb von Minuten ausgeliefert. Durch den Beitritt zur Vorverkaufsliste erhalten Sie die Gelegenheit, sich 24 Stunden vor allen anderen zu registrieren und Ihre Chancen aufzustehen. Am Ende, wenn Sie bereit sind, endlich mit dem Essen zu beginnen, zu bewegen und besser zu leben, mit Hilfe des weltweit führenden Coaching-Teams , Das ist deine Chance. Hinweis: Wenn Ihre Gesundheit und Fitness bereits aussortiert sind, aber Sie interessieren sich dafür, anderen zu helfen, schauen Sie sich unsere Precision Nutrition Level 1 Zertifizierungsprogramm an. Referenzen Chin-Chance C, et al. Twenty-vier-Stunden-Leptin Ebenen reagieren auf kumulative kurzfristige Energie Ungleichgewicht und prognostizieren nachfolgende Aufnahme. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2000 Aug85 (8): 2685-91. Considine RV, et al. Serum-Immunreaktiv-Leptin-Konzentrationen bei normalem Gewicht und fettleibigem Menschen. N Engl J Med. 1996 Feb 1334 (5): 292-5. Doucet E, et al. Nachweis für die Existenz der adaptiven Thermogenese bei Gewichtsverlust. Br J Nutr. 2001 Jun85 (6): 715-23. Fogteloo AJ, et al. Effekte der rekombinanten menschlichen Leptinbehandlung als Ergänzung der mäßigen Energiebeschränkung des Körpergewichts, des Ausruhens des Energieaufwands und der Energieaufnahme bei fettleibigen Menschen. Diabetes Nutr Metab 2003 Apr 16 (2): 109-14. Halle KD. 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The Toyota Innova introduced Indians to the concept of a large 7-seater Multi Purpose Vehicle (MPV), offering comfortable ride quality and decent space for families. With its success, many brands realized that customers wouldn8217t mind considering practical and reasonably priced MPVs, and have since followed suit 8211 resulting in the explosive growth of the segment. The latest entrant to the competitive segment is a product that European markets are well familiar with. Yes, it may be called the Dacia Lodgy in Europe, but 8211 for the Indian market 8211 it bears the parent brand Renault8217s logo. And Renault India did not just simply swap the logo. They have improved the Lodgy from the ground-up tuning essential aspects to not only meet an average Indian MPV customer8217s demands, but also push the boundaries in its segment, as you8217ll find out in our review. On the design front, the Renault Lodgy isn8217t going to win any awards. It8217s a welcoming design that is neither bad nor head-turning. Over the Dacia Lodgy, Renault India has enhanced the design to inject a sense of premiumness. For instance, the Indian spec Renault Lodgy features chrome treatment all over the body, further differentiating it from its European brother. The front fascia comprises of a two-slat chrome and black grille that houses the lozenge. It is flanked by two conventional headlamps with DRLs, connected by a fat chrome strip above the grille. The lower fascia has a simple central air intake and a set fog lamps, both accentuated with 8211 you guessed it 8211 chrome. The lower lip extends out in a subtle fashion, adding a dynamic appeal to the front end. The side appears to remain as simple as the front end, although it does look a bit 8220boxy8221. Unlike the Honda Mobilio that is slashed with character lines, the Renault Lodgy keeps it clean with a chrome strip running across the lower side profile. Doors for the rear passenger are suitably large for easy entry and egress 8211 a critical aspect of an MPV8217s versatility. As tested, the top RxZ variant sits on 18565 R15 tires that wrap around a nice set of 5-spoke 15-inch aluminum rims. Apart from the large and interesting-looking tail-lamps, the rear end also continues to maintain the simplistic design. It also receives its fair share of chrome: a large bar with the nameplate 8220Lodgy8221 engraved above the number plate area, and a slim chrome embellishment across the lower part of the hatch. Measuring at 4,498 mm long, 1,751 mm wide, 1,697 mm tall with a wheelbase spanning 2,810 mm, the Renault Lodgy is noticeably longer than its closest rivals whilst being as narrow as possible. People upgrading from hatchbacks wouldn8217t have to worry as the Lodgy8217s size isn8217t very intimidating when scampering around heavy city traffic or while parking. Two of the Lodgy8217s biggest selling points are inside the MPV: cabin comfort and equipment offered. Speaking about the former, the chunky seats of the new Renault Lodgy 8211 in the RxZ trim 8211 are upholstered in two tone Fume amp Beige Alpaga perforated leather with quilted stitching. From initial impressions, the seats are supremely comfortable and have nice bolsters as well as arm rests to support the body 8211 making long highway drives a pleasure. The frontal visibility from the driver8217s seat is decent, thanks to the large windshield and high seating position (which is adjustable). The rear windshield also grants good visibility of the surroundings, even through the rear view mirror with manual dimming toggle. The top-spec RxZ trim is a 7-seater following the 223 configuration, while an 8-seater with fabric upholstery is also available. We tested the former, which had a pair of captain seats in the second row. Like the front driver and passenger seats, they too were comfortable. Each seat can be reclined, has an armrest and HVAC vent on the roof, as well as exclusive foldable tray tables, further improving its rear passenger comfort and practicality. The 2nd row seats are also foldable and tumble towards the front for access into the third row as well as to increase luggage space. While the rear bench seat cannot comfortably accommodate a 6-foot person, children and short adults will not be complaining about lack of room. There are cup holders, power sockets and dual HVAC vents, adding credence that Renault has paid equal attention to all occupants. Also, the third row side windows are large enough, so that occupants don8217t feel too claustrophobic during a long journey. With a longer wheelbase, Renault not only focused on improving passenger space, but also room for luggage. The boot volume is 275 liters when all the seats are in place, and expands to a whopping 1,861 liters when the third row is completely removed and the second row is tumbled. The dual tone dashboard has three storage spaces: the central upper side, below the passenger airbag, and the glovebox. The center console features plastic piano black trim, which is glossy and prone to catching dust and fingerprints. It houses two circular HVAC vents and the MEDIANAV 7-inch touchscreen infotainment system. Taken from the Duster, the infotainment system has entertainment, navigation and communication functions integrated into it, as well as Bluetooth and USB support. In our opinion, the software was easy to navigate through, although the touch sensitivity and sunlight legibility was far from impressive. The latter can be improved by tweaking the contrast settings within the system. The buttons on the leather-wrapped steering wheel are for the cruise control system. Volume controls are on a stalk just behind the steering wheel. The 3-spoke chunky leather wrapped steering wheel offers good grip, and features buttons for the cruise control function. The volume controls, voice call functions are integrated in a single stalk near the steering wheel, ergonomically placed for better reach. Facing the driver is a conventional instrument cluster with a new multi-information display (MID) that feeds details about the average fuel consumption, trip distance, and fuel level. Equipment wise, the Renault Lodgy is packed with features that will help the French MPV set itself apart from the competition. As stated above, the company is very proud about introducing a segment-first cruise control function with speed limiter, which can be a boon for long and straight highway drives. It is triggered with a toggle below the HVAC control knobs, and its usage is monitored via the MID. From what we can gather, the car reacts immediately as the speed is increaseddecreased via the buttons on the steering wheel. Also the speed limiter function, which can be triggered after 30kmh, can help the driver adhere to speed limits in the city or highway without the need to constantly check the speedometer. Other handy features include a reverse camera and rear parking sensors, one-touch operated driver windows, and electric door mirror adjustment (the control knob is conveniently placed under the leftmost HVAC vent). The NVH levels of the Renault Lodgy are fairly decent. The company has tried their best in lowering the wind noise generated at high speeds and increased sound insulation around the engine area, it said during its presentation. Engine and Gearbox: The variant we tested was powered by the familiar K9K 1.5-liter dCi diesel engine delivering 110 PS amp 245 Nm at 1750 rpm. Renault claims that they have improved the electric architecture of the engine, resulting in smoother power delivery and response. This was apparent on the highways, where the Lodgy surged effortlessly to triple digit speeds. Also, for an MPV that has a kerb weight of 1368 kg, the 110 PS K9K engine did not feel strained nor overworked. The Renault Lodgy is capable of hitting a top speed of 165 kmh, making it the fastest MPV in its segment. It is also one of the fastest accelerating MPVs (0-100 kmh in under 13 seconds) too, said the company during the presentation. Keep in mind that the Lodgy is not a performance car, but isn8217t anywhere near boring to drive either. The engine comes paired to a segment-first 6-speed manual transmission, borrowed from the 110 PS Duster. However, the 6th gear is only useful when cruising at speeds above 120 kmh. There is no automatic gearbox option for the Lodgy. The clutch operation was on the heavy side with short travel, but it8217s something the driver will get quickly used to once the vehicle starts racking up kilometers. A negative about the engine and gear combo is the turbo lag that the K9K unit is known for. Around the city and narrow single carriageways, the turbo lag can be very apparent. We had to slot between 3rd and 4th to keep the revs high and turbo spooling. Otherwise, wait till the needle crosses the 2,000 RPM mark, after which the turbo begins to spool 8211 catapulting the MPV forward. Keeping the turbo lag aside, the 110 PS engine in the Lodgy is a sweet gem that doesn8217t break a sweat when accelerating towards triple digit speeds. Ride and Handling: The ride quality of the Renault Lodgy can be summarized in one word 8211 fantastic. The front end is suspended with McPherson struts and coil springs, while the rear is a torsion beam axle with coil spring and shock absorber. Both the front and rear feature adaptive anti-roll bars for improved handling and safety. The Lodgy negotiated road potholes and speed bumps with relative ease, not moving passengers around the cabin like dolls. Even close to its top speed, the MPV managed to stay on its feet 8211 giving drivers the needed confidence at high speeds. Though the suspension was a bit on softer side 8211 at high speed corners 8211 the Lodgy wasn8217t exhibiting too much roll or pitch. It doesn8217t have the independent suspension setup from the Duster AWD. Instead it features McPherson struts at the front, and a torsion beam setup at the rear. The vehicle is based on the Duster8217s monocoque construction, which 8211 as Renault claims 8211 balances the rigidity of a body-on-frame chassis with the advantages of a unibody construction. The electro-mechanical steering wheel was light at all times, which is a boon in the city and tackling hilly areas. It is very quick to respond and the front end offers good turn in 8211 helpful when overtaking slow lorries. Brakes and Safety: The stopping power for the Renault Lodgy comes from a pair of ventilated disc brakes up front and a set of rear drum brakes. While the stopping power of the Lodgy was on par with rivals, the brake pedal feel was a bit dodgy. At the slightest push, the brakes bite unnecessarily hard, which could hamper the otherwise relaxed driving experience of the MPV. However, pre-production samples sometimes exhibit such issues, and issues may not persist on the production spec cars. Renault has also focused on improving the safety standards of a budget family van. Along with dual front airbags, it is equipped with active safety features like ABS, EBD and Brake Assist. Fuel Efficiency: The 110 PS Lodgy returns an ARAI-measured fuel efficiency of 19.98 kml. We were averaging around 15 kml, despite driving in the least fuel efficient manner. Renault will also be offering a less-powerful 85PS variant, which returns a higher ARAI-certified fuel efficiency of 21.04 kmpl. Renault has not revealed the pricing of the Indian-spec Lodgy. Reports are speculating it to cost between INR 7-10 Lakhs, ex-showroom. Like the Duster, it could come in three trim levels: RxE, RxL and RxZ (as tested). For Renault, the Lodgy is expected to be their next big product after the Duster. When the latter was launched, it redefined the idea of a budget compact SUV, and laid foundation to a new segment altogether. The company is now looking to replicate the success with the Lodgy MPV, and have done their best in meeting every expectation of an average MPV customer. The Lodgy offers best-in class ride quality, seats and equipment, which is already enough to raise significant attention. The large amount of space available for both occupants and luggage will make the Lodgy an attractive option for people who live in joint families or with a group of friends who love to travel. The company didn8217t simply put seven seats and sent it to the dealer showroom. They have actually paid attention to the comfort of each occupant offering premium leather seats, decent levels of space, and features like power sockets, HVAC vents, and cup-holders across the cabin. The 110 PS K9K engine is nearly as fuel efficient as the Honda and the Maruti, although its trump cards are the smooth power delivery and the 6-speed manual transmission. Pricing will play a crucial role in the Lodgy8217s success. Although it may have been late to the MPV party, if Renault can price it competitively to the Ertiga and Mobilio, then the positives of the Lodgy will help it stand out in the segment, and pose as a new problem to its rivals. Renault Lodgy RxZ 7-Seater 8211 Image GalleryImageMagick v6 Examples -- Common Image Formats Many of the image file formats have particularities which you need to keep in mind when using that format. This page deals with these special needs, and ways to improve results in those formats. A Brief Summary of Common Image File Formats For a introduction to reading and writing image formats see Image File Formats. While a list of all the ImageMagick file formats are given on the IM Image Formats Page. Here is a very quick summary of the most common normal image file formats, as well as their general advantages and disadvantages. GIF This format is extremely common, and has been around for so long that all image handling programs understand it. But only uses a limited number of colors (a 256 color table) and only saves using 8 bit quality. However its built-in run-length encoding allows it to save images with only a few colors very efficiently. While the format has transparency, it only understands Boolean (onoff) transparency and so consequently suffers from aliasing or jaggies. Plain text with thin lines suffers badly when saved as a transparent GIF image. The only solution to this problem is to tie the GIF image to a specific background of the web page in which it is used. The GIF format can save multiple images to form an animation sequence, and for this purpose also saves the image canvas size and offset (page) information. Note however that negative offsets are not supported, and attempts to do so resets that offset to zero. Its best used for small images of cartoons, line drawings, and small icons, all of which have limited colors, and will allow it to compress well. Its use however should be avoided when a newer format like PNG is available. JPEG Does not handle transparency at all. The image is equivalent to using matte operation to remove the alpha channel, so any background transparency commonly becomes black depending on the image processing used to generate the image. This format is also lossy, producing edge effects on sharp lines and borders and thus should not be used for any intermediate image processing, or storage of image originals (unless they were already in this format). It is well suited to long term storage of real life photographs, but avoid it if you plan to further process the image, or the image contains large areas of solid colors. PNG This format is intended to eventually replace older formats like GIF and TIFF. It is a modern format capable of handling 16 bit quality with four color channels allowing the full use of semi-transparent colors. It also includes a huge number of lossless image compression options. Its biggest disadvantage is that it is still relatively new, such that the Microsoft IE (v6) web browser does not automatically handle it correctly. However a fix is available for this problem. The format does not save canvas size information (where GIF does), but it does save the canvas offsets and even negative offsets (which GIF does not), though some web browsers have problems when a negative offset is used, so this is not recommended for a final image to be displayed in a browser. For saving intermediate layered images, the ability to save negative offsets can be very important and is often much more important than its not saving canvas size information. MNG This is the multi-image format for PNG, and allows animations to movie quality levels and speed. A simple example of using MNG is wanted, so if you have one mail me. The MNG animation format appears to becomeing obsolete and has been abandoned by some web broswers such as FireFox. TIFF This is the Image interchange format that was developed to transfer high quality images between programs before any serious image formats were available. Unfortunately, because of this beginning, the format has been modified with a haphazard array of features and compression styles and no programs understands them all. The format is now pretty well only use by Photoshop on windows platforms, and this is the only source that provides any sort of standard reference for the TIFF image format. TIFF files can handle multiple images, though few applications other than IM handle multiple image TIFFs. Generally, unless the internal format of the TIFF image is kept relatively basic, there is no guarantee that a TIFF file generated by one program will be usable by another program, including IM or even Photoshop itself. As such I do not recommend this format period I suggest you use some other format than TIFF (or JPEG), especially for long term storing of images. The few notes I have on this format and its problems are provided below in the Miscellaneous Formats, TIFF section. These usage notes were found in the IM mailing lists and forums, as I myself dont use or need to use TIFF. Video Formats Other movie quality animation formats generally based on using lossy compression to reduce the size (and quality) of the movie. Both formats are in a constant state of flux, improvements and security limiting features, making any form of processing difficult. At last count there was more than 200 video format codecs that are in general use for one purpose or another. Because of this IM does not directly handle this format, instead it relies on other software packages, to handling the processing of the individual frames into and out of the animations. These delegate programs include mpeg2decode , mpeg2encode , and mplayer . Some system (like ubuntu) disable the use specific image file formats using a security policy. Type convert - list policy to see what policies and where they are set from are present on your system. GIF Image File Format The GIF format is a very widely known image file format, as it has been around for a very very very long time (from the late 1980s). It is often picked for images which are to be displayed on web pages that involve transparency or image animation. It is also about the only format absolutely universally understood by all web browsers. Unfortunately it is not a very good format for anything but line drawings, figures, diagrams, and cartoons. That is because it is limited to a maximum of 256 colors, one of which is usually flagged as being transparent. Flagging one specific color in the image as transparent has some drawbacks. If the color to use as transparent is badly chosen, it can result in other parts of the image being transparent when that was not intended. Care must be taken to ensure that does not happen. Further more, the transparency ability is Boolean, which basically means it is either fully on, or fully off. Semi-transparent colors are just not possible, and if present need to be made either transparent or opaque. That means the format can not provide any form of anti-aliasing of edges of an image, usually resulting in a bad case of the jaggies. (See Anti-Aliasing ) Because the GIF image formats color limitations causes so many problems, especially from a high quality image processing package like ImageMagick, I would like to say up front. Avoid GIF format, if at all possible. If you must use it, do so only as the final step. Finally for a long time the compression algorithm used by GIF was patented. Consequently it was not available for use by many image processing programs, such as ImageMagick. Thus very old IM programs will output GIF format images un-compressed, and thus using more disk space than it should. You can fix this using a GIF batch compression program such as Gifsicle or InterGIF . However as the patent expired completely in mid-2004, the current release of IM has the GIF image compression re-enabled again. The image compression is also rather simple, and works best on images with large areas of solid, unchanging colors. Or on simple repeated patterns of the same set of colors, such as you get using Ordered Dithering (not the default dither in IM). Finally GIF images can save multiple images in the one file. And this is used to generate GIF Animations as understood by pretty well all web browsers, since the technique was first introduction by the very old Netscape browser. In Summary The GIF image file format with its limited color table, Boolean transparency, and simplistic compression (if enabled), makes it ideal for small images, such as thumbnails, and especially cartoon-like icons, logos, and symbols images with large areas of solid colors. Its animation abilities also make it an ideal method of generating flashy attention grabbing logos and advertisements you see all over the World Wide Web. For anything else its limitations make it a poor image file format and you may be better moving to JPEG, PNG, or a video image format for your needs. GIF Limited Color Table See Advanced 3-D Bullet Scripting for an example of generating multiple images over a range of colors. This technique can also be used to auto-convert your image into multiple images for many different backgrounds colors and patterns. GIF Transparency Color For example here we use identify to extract the transparent color, and the color table a particular GIF image file used to represent transparency. The perl script extracts just the specific fields of interest (which can be multi-line). As you can see even though the result is not visibly different from the original, the transparent color was changed to a fully-transparent version of the wheat color. If you look closely you will also see that the image now has two wheat or F5DEB3 colors in its color table. That is, one transparent wheat and one opaque wheat. As of IM version 6.2.9-2, this presents no problem. Though only one transparent color can be defined by the GIF image file format. Why would you do that Because some very old web browsers and graphic programs do not understand GIF transparency. So this option lets you set what color the transparent areas should be in that situation. Typical choices for the transparent color are white for modern browsers, OR more typically grey75 ( BFBFBF ), which was the original mosaic web browser page color. Other popular transparent color choices are grey ( BEBEBE ), and silver ( C0C0C0 ) which is what the hand image above used. This shows just how popular that specific area of the gray-scale color range is for the transparent color. FUTURE: add link to color selection. Before IM v6.2.9-2, and the creation of the - transparent-color output setting, IM would typically save the transparency of an image as the special color none (fully-transparent black), which is not particularly nice when transparency fails. Note that setting - transparent-color does NOT add any transparency to a GIF image, nor does it convert the specified color to become transparent. All the option does is specify what color should placed in the color table for the color index that is used representing the transparent colors in a GIF image. If you want to change a specific (exact) color to become transparent, then use the - transparent Color Replacement Operator. GIF Boolean Transparency Because the GIF format does NOT understand semi-transparent colors, and as ImageMagick by default generates semi-transparent color as part of its normal Anti-Aliasing Methods. when you save a image to this format it will often come out horrible looking. For example, here I draw a simple black circle on a transparent background. Also I will generate an enlarged view of the edge of the images, to make it clear what is happening. First I will output using the PNG format. As you can see the edge of the circle on the left drawn (in PNG format) as a very clean looking (though slightly fuzzy) edge to the image. You can see the semi-transparent pixels in its enlargement. Now lets output the same image using the GIF image format. Now as long as the borders of our image do not leak we can use similar colors inside the image as our background, and not have them turn transparent on us, due to over fuzzing. Of course if our image has holes in it, then those holes will also have to be taken care of too. In which case the previous fuzzed transparency may work better. Did say handling a GIF transparency color is easy NOT An alternative technique especially for images with a sharp anti-aliased edge is to simply add a minimum outline of the background color. See Outline or Halo Transparency. Remove the Background Color . Trying an remove a specific background color from an existing GIF image is not easy. It is especially difficult if the overlaid image also contains the background color, as you then dont really know what is background and what isnt. The best solution is to get a copy of the same GIF overlay on two different and well known background colors. With two such images, you can recover the original overlay and all its semi-transparent pixels perfectly. See Background Removal using Two Backgrounds. If you dont have two such images, then you can not perfectly recover the images semi-transparency, but there are techniques that can do a reasonable though imperfect job. For this see the other sections of Background Removal. GIFs for non-specific backgrounds (or Dithering the Transparency) The biggest problem with the above is that it would only work if you happened to know exactly what color the background, or background pattern your image will be used on. If you dont know all is not lost. As you saw above, threshold does not work well for a image with a very large area of transparency, such as a fuzzy shadow. But another technique known as dithering can, and does NOT require knowledge of the background it will be used on. Basically dithering limits the transparency to onoff values, creating an effect of semi-transparency over a larger area using a pattern if pixels. In other words it fakes semi-transparency. This method was exampled in what is now known as the Opossum Examples . Unfortunately these examples did not actually give the commands that were used to generate the example. For completeness I will attempt to demo them again here. The - monochrome operator converts all colors in an image into a pure black and white Floyd-Steinberg error correction dither. However as it converts a grey scale image into just pure back and white colors we will need to extract an alpha channel mask from the image, dither that, and return it back into the image. This is super fast compared to IM as it does not edit the image, just transfer existing data. However the quality of the thumbnail is not nearly as good, as thumbnails IM can generate from the real image, and they also may not be rotated right, and they definitely will not be the size you want. From Rob, If you want more detailed editing of the profiles stored in JPEG image files, than what jhead provides, have a look at more EXIF-centric applications of the perl based, ExifTool , an alternative compiled version ExifTool , and a Windows GUI Exifer , just to name a few. With the Image::ExifTool Perl module installed, this will strip out all JPEG metadata loslessly. I found the following to be equivalent to the command line method for stripping EXIF data. In case anyone is interested in the future: Took some figuring because it turns out you needed to assign the setting first using SetNewValue then load and save simultaneously using WriteInfo. Mixed JPEG Quality Images, using JpegTrans . Wolfgang Hugemann wanted the edges of a JPEG image to not be compressed at all, as it stuffs up photo handling. See this site. The solution provided by Yuval Levy ltimagemagick07ATsfinagt solution was to use jpegtran to insert a low quality JPG, into a high quality JPEG. The solution: produce two versions of the same image with ImageMagick, one at the high quality 100 and the other at low quality 60 (for size reduction). use jpegtran to crop the q60, shaving off 8 pixels on each side use jpegtran to merge the q60 on top of the q100 use jpegtran to merge to a stripe Nemo Thorx ltjpeghack64nemo. house. cxgt, read the above and tried to implement Mixed JPEG quality. He succeeded and demonstrates the results on his Wiki pages at JPEGhack. Basically it is very posible to do lossless JPEG, processing such as cropping and dropping new sections of JPEG blocks into an existing image. PNG Image File Format This is one of the newest and most modern image formats, supporting 32 bit colors including alpha channel transparency, but can also be optimised to a GIF like 8 bit index color scheme (256 color limit). As such it makes a excellent intermediate format for image processing without loss of image information. PNG compression When used with PNG output, quality is regarded as two decimal figures . The first digit (tens) is the zlib compression level, 1-9. However if a setting of 0 is used you will get Huffman compression rather than zlib compression, which is often better Weird but true The second digit is the PNG data encoding filtering (before it is comressed) type: 0 is none, 1 is sub, 2 is up, 3 is average, 4 is Paeth, and 5 is adaptive. So for images with solid sequences of color a none filter ( - quality 00 ) is typically better. For images of natural landscapes an adaptive filtering ( - quality 05 ) is generally better. The PNG coder has been undergoing lots of work, and better methods of controlling the exact encoding and compression settings is typically set using the Define Operator. See Writing PNG Image Controls below for more details of the defines, or loot at the comments in the PNG coder file, coderpng. c source code. If you have an ImageMagick image with binary (onoff) transparency, the PNG encoder will write it in an efficient manner, using the tRNS chunk instead of a full alpha channel. But if any opacity value other than 0 or MaxRGB is present, itll write a PNG with an alpha channel. You can force this behavior by using the - type TruecolorMatte image reading setting, or you can save the image using the PNG32: format file. An external program pngcrush or the newer version OptiPNG will attempt to re-compress a specific PNG for the best possible compression available, and is recommended for images that you plan to place on a web site. Another program pngnq will color quantize it to a 256 color, 8bit PNG, though it is not known if this support semi-transparent colors in that format. Better PNG Compression One point about PNG images is that PNG image will preserve the color of fully-transparent pixels. That is even though you can not see it transparency has color, and PNG preserves that data. This means that in many cases PNG can be made to compress better by replacing that invisible color with a static solid color, rather than garbage color that may be left over from previous image processing. There are two major methods you can use for this, using Alpha Background Operator to just handle fully-transparent pixels only, or using a Fuzz Factor with Transparency type operation to also map near-semi-transparent colors to fully-transparent-black. For example here I take the fuzzy shadowed a. png image we generated above and replace all pixels that are within 20 of full transparency. This however is only recommended for small thumbnail images that do not involve transparency, and only as a final step as it is a very lossy technique. PNG, Web Browsers and Transparency The Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE version 6 and earlier) does not correctly display PNG when any sort of transparency is involved. Now while this is the most well known browser not to fully support PNG, it isnt the only one. The PNG transparency test and Another PNG test pages will let you test your browser. They also list the browsers and versions that produce the results displayed. However as IE (at least at time of writing) is probably the most common browser, you can add to your web page a number of work-arounds to the problem. For information on this look at my WWW Laboratory Page PNG with Transparency and IE. where I test and demonstrate the the PNG in IE solution I am using. Other solutions are to convert the PNG to either JPEG (with the right colored background), or GIF formats. These methods are discussed thoroughly for GIF Images on Backgrounds. Another solution is to set the color of all fully-transparent colors in a image before saving it to PNG. PNG will save that fully-transparent color, but be warned that just about any other IM operation will reset fully-transparent back to fully-transparent black (as transparent color is not suppose to matter at that is the way image mathematics work). For example the standard IM examples test image uses full transparent black for any pixel that is fully-transparent. We can verify this by either turning off the alpha channel, or saving it a JPEG. A word about Vector Image formats Their is more than one style of image storage in the world. Images which are stored and processed using arrays of colored pixels. Raster image formats include GIF, PNG, JPEG, TIFF, and so on. Images can consist of multiple arrays (channels) representing different colors, and can have multiple images, layers, or frames (depending on usage) in the one image file format file. Images are defined in terms of lines, thicknesses, tiles, gradients, and larger compound objects. Formats include SVG, Postscript, PDF, FIG, DXF, WMF, and even TTF fonts. It allows images to be resized, and even greatly enlarged without loss of quality . Also while editing such formats, you can generally move whole objects around without destroying what is underneath (object layering). Images are a special rare case, used to achieve extreme compression of complex images, such as old paintings. However the only usage I know about is in a very expensive commercial product. Outside that usage it is also used for complex mathematical objects such as Mandelbrot and Julia sets, and in generating randomized splashes of color in screen savers (IFS). It is very rarely seen. Why is this important Because IM is a raster image processor, and while it can read or write images stored in one of the vector formats it does so by converting the image to and from a internal raster image. Consequently if you are trying to convert a image from a vector format, to another vector format, IM will essentially rasterize this image at the currently defined resolution or density which will hopefully (but unlikely) be suitable for the output device you intend to use it on. In other words, any output from IM will never be a true vector format. While it can convert its internal raster format into a vector format file, the result is only a superficial vector image wrapper around an image in raster format. And unless the raster image is defined properly (at the right resolution) for the output device, the result will not be particularly good. Unfortunately new uses to IM do not know anything about this. They see IM as a converter that can convert say PDF to Postscript, producing images with blocky aliasing effects, washed out colors, or blurry images that just do not look good at all, on the intended output device. Which brings use to what I am trying to say. Avoid using ImageMagick for Vector Image to Vector Image conversions EG: converting between formats like: PDF, PS, SVG In other words, use the right tool for the right job. And for this situation, ImageMagick is not the right tool. That is not to say IM cant be used to do such a conversion. After all most printers and monitors actually rasterize the image themselves for the actual printing onto a sheet of paper. The difference is that the printer knows what resolution it needs for the hardware it is using. ImageMagick does not. For examples of converting vector images to rasters (and improving such conversions), see the example PostscriptPDF pre-formatted Text and Graphics Input. and for SVG and user generated vector images see SVG Image Handling. You may also find the information on Font Size, Resolution and Pointsize useful, particularly with regard to the effect of - density on drawn text fonts. Non-IM Alternatives If you really do need to do general conversion between vector formats, the program UniConvertor, Sk1 Project (usually available as a standard linux package) and the VectorSection can be used to convert vector-to-vector without actually rasterizing the images. For general conversion of Postscript to other vector formats, look at pstoedit , which is typically available in your systems extra package repositories. Also look at epstopdf which is part of the Comprehensive TeX Network (CTAN). TeX and LaTeX are UNIX documentation (book and scientific article) text processing system. It has lots of tools to do with Postscript and PDF formats. For SVG to PDF conversion, Wolfgang Hugemann ltAuto64hugemann. degt suggests that the easiest vector to vector conversion was to display the SVG in a browser (Firefox) and the print it using a PDF printer driver. Though the Uniconvertor could be used too. Other Image File Formats There are of course a huge number of other image file formats that IM can use and understand, however using many of these less common formats are specialized for some specific purpose, and often require some tweaking or other options to get them to perform the way you want them to perform. I do not recommend these file formats, and generally I myself dont used them. However I do try to log various notes, techniques, and options that have been reported on the IM mail list, or IM forum. so others may also use the information gleaned. Many of the notes are in a raw, unprocessed form, and I am willing to accept further contributions, ore re-writes to the notes below. Postscript (PS, EPS) and Adobe PDF The major problem with Postscript and its related formats (like PDF) is that it is a complex page formatting language. That is the format is a program and not really an image format That means IM is forced to rely on another external program (or delegate) to run the program and return the generated image. Encapsulated Postscript (EPS) Encapsulated Postscript is actually exactly the same as normal postscript (a vector image format) except it is a single page image, and a Bounding Box entry is present to define the exact area the image covers. The format was designed to to allow other programs to move and scale the image when inserting the postscript it defines into other postscript documents. IM handles it in basically the same way as postscript. (See above). Use EPS2: or EPS3: to create JPEG compressed EPS files: Note: Adding profiles to EPS images are on the to do list but is currently not supported. PostscriptPDF Input As this format is a vector image format it is effected by settings such as - page , and - density . Examples of reading Postscript (which is the same for EPS and PDF format) are provided in Postscript Formatted Text. and you should read this first. However the reading of these formats is very complicated, as they are full computer languages designed specifically to generate a printed page on high quality laser printers. This is well beyond the scope of ImageMagick, and so it relies on a specialized delegate program known as ghostscript to read, and convert Postscript and PDF pages to a raster image. One point. As IM uses Ghostscript to rasterize a postscript file at a specific resolution, any raster images that are in the postscript file will often be blurred, or distorted, unless the exact density for that raster image is known. This also assumes that the postscript program itself does not rotate or otherwise manipulate the raster image. In fact, multiple delegates are present and selected by IM depending on the situation. For example the ps:color (using the bmpsep8 ghostscript device) verses ps:alpha (using pngalpha ) is selected depending on if - channel RGBA had been set or not. The ps:color delegate is used rather than ps:alpha by default because the pngalpha ghostscript device only supports a one pageone image and PDFs generally are multi-page. Use - channel RGBA before reading the image to select the pngalpha delegate method. If all you want is the number of pages, using ghostscript can be a lot faster. Windows and Ghostscript is a little more complex, as it requires the use of the windows registery. For more information have a look at this blog. Special PDF Reading options Special options for PDF handling. - units PixelsPerInch Should be set when handling PDF documents (reading or creation of). I am not sure what this does but reports indicate it should be set for correct working. - define pdf:use-cropboxtrue Use a cropbox rather than the default mediabox as per Adobe generated PDF files. (Basically adds a - dUseCropBox to the ghostscript conversion from PDF images. NOTE: This works if your PDF only has one page, but if it is a multiple paged PDF, it wont crop correctly. - define pdf:use-trimboxtrue Use a trimbox rather than the default mediabox as per Adobe generated PDF files. Modifying the Input Delegate Modifying the system delegate is dangerous and a mistake could render IM unable to read postscriptPDF files. You also may need administration privileges, as you cannot replace a system defined delegate with a personal delegate, due to security (hacker) measures. See Delegates and Coders for Image Formats for more info on the delegate XML syntax and meaning, and creating personal inputoutput delegates. On the forum topic Convert EPS to JPG Unreliable. it was suggested that you edit your system delegates. xml and replace - sDEVICEbmpsep8 to - sDEVICEbmp16 . Other users have found that changing this to - sDEVICEpnmraw , also works better. I have not tried this myself, so can provide no guarantees about this, or what versions of Ghostscript this applies to. If you have any further info, please let me know. If you have a CMYK postscript or PDF file then the page Blog of John details how you can modify the delegate entry (Add a - dUseCIEColor ghostscript option) so ghostscript convert handles this this of postscript. Another possibility is to create a personal Delegate which would invoke pdftoppm. Say the tag is called pdfalt which invokes the program pdftoppm or even pdfimage from the xpdf package. Then your stream would look something like this: Anyone like to give the delegate creation a go Let us know You may also like to try using pstoedit which can convert a postscript file to other vector formats, or passes the postscript into the ImageMagick API, to convert it to bitmap. I have not experiment or tested this, and would like some feedback. PDF Raster Image Extraction The rendering of any PDF pages to a specific size or density is at the heart of the vector graphics using by PDF. It works great for text, or line drawings. But this also means that any raster image (pixel array) within the PDF has to be resized. But resizing is a lossy operation, resulting in some image degrading, unless you use the original density of that raster image, which can vary from image to image within the PDF It is thus advantageous to be able to extract the raster images from a PDF without any density reference. You can extract the raster images directly using pdfimages program, which is part of either the poppler-utils or the xpdf-utils software packages. These software packages also contain many other tools that you can find useful for PDF processing. See Popler for Windows. You may also like to look at the mutool from the package MuPDF by the same people that look after GhostScript. An online tool to extract text and images is Sumnotes (commercial with limited free trial). At a lower level Wolfgang Hugemann says you can extract any image contained by a PDF (especially from PDFs generated by scanners). Basically by extracting any byte sequence between stream and endstream, and saving as a separate file. PDF Text Extraction You can use the GhostScript program ps2ascii or pstotext . Or as a alternative that does both text and images, have a look at pdftohtml has an XML output that Ross Presser reports is pretty good at reassembling paragraphs. . Also the pdftk program can uncompress a PDF so it can be edited directly, and to repair corrupt PDFs. PostscriptPDF Output Options The following settings are known to effect the output of Postscript, Encapsulated Postscript, and PDF image formats: - page , - gravity , - compress , - density , By default no compression is used on PDF image output, so PDF files can often be a lot bigger than necessary. The following table equated the IM compression modes with the resulting Postscript compression mode used. PSPDF Compression Meanings image Filter . setting These two commands produce much smaller PDF files than a direct conversion, of a black an white page. However which is smaller depends on the image and is impossible to determine without trying and testing the resulting size. PostscriptPDF Output Alternatives Remember that PDF is a vector image (document) format, and IM is a raster image processor. This means that any PDF document IM creates will basically consist of a single raster image per page. The images output in the PDF document will be fixed at a specific resolution (or pixel density), which can cause pixel distortion issues when viewed or printed at some other resolution. Also for text documents, using a raster image is wasteful, as plain text with fonts and formatting meta-data will always be a lot smaller and render better than a scanned raster image of the text. Because of this, other PDF creation programs may be better suited to your needs. This will let you keep images as images, and text and text, allowing you position the text and images together in a nicer more logical way, as well as insert text, and overlay arrows or connecting lines, in a more logical fashion. For example I suggest you look at the support programs provided by the TeX and LaTeX system. See Comprehensive TeX Network (CTAN). Of course such programs are harder to automate, however I have in the past use the simple FIG vector graphic file format (see Xfig ) to generate Postscript and PDF documents with text and auto placed graphics in a automatic way. Image to PDF convertors . The tool sam2p which is specialized in converting images to PDF files. So does all the preprocessing with ImageMagick and then making the final conversation using sam2p . It even brings a small script to adjust the result to an A4 paper. Can sam2p generate a PDF which is scaled proportionally (i. e. keeping the aspect ratio) to a specified page size, and centered on the page No, but the Perl script sam2ppdfscale. pl bundled with sam2p can post-process the file created by sam2p. For example, to scale and center a PDF on an A4 paper, do: Unfortunately it doesnt work with default PDFs created by IM. -- Sebastian Krause, from the IM Users Mailing List Multi-paged PDF Documents . You can use perl to combine multiple PDF files, without resorting to a IM, and its rasterization problem. You can also use a JAVA toolkit to merge IM generated images into a PDF producing a better PDF than a simpler one that IM will generate. Another user on IM Discussion Forums also suggested using PDFjam to merge multiple PDF pages together. PbmPlus NetPBM Image File Format: PBM PGM PPM PNM PAM The PbmPlus or NetPBM image manipulation filters (unix command line). These image formats come in a variety of styles PBM (bitmap), PGM (grayscale), PPM (color), PFM (floating point, for HDRI), PAM (arbitrary format), and PNM (any NetPBM format). Each of these (except PAM and PFM ) can also be either in a raw binary form (the default when writing by either IM or NetPBM). or as plain ASCII text format, (set using - compress None ). IM can of course read any of them. The format should be regarded as using linear-RGB colorspace only, and NOT using sRGB as most other image file formats. However a depth of 16 should be used when using linear-RGB so caution is recommended to avoid heavy round off errors with depth 8 images. The NetPBM formats typically saves one image per file. However IM, and many other NetPBM utilities will read and write files with multiple images simply concatinated together. As such when writing images it may be a good idea to set the appropriate - adjoin setting when writing files. (See Writing Multiple Image Sequences for details). The PPM file format is actually especially important to ImageMagick as it is the communication format used during the conversion of Postscript and PDF images via the ghostscript delegate. It is also a major format for video image processing such as from the ffmpeg command. Any quality or value range can be used on input (up to 16 bit or 65535 depth). For example here is a highly unusual value range of 5, to generate a step gradient. I know of no other image format that allows you to use such an odd-ball quality range. PbmPlusNetPBM vs ImageMagick The PbmPlusNetPBM image processing suite was once a rival of ImageMagick for command-line image processing, but uses a completely different (more low level) pipeline filtering philosophy, for image handling and processing. This makes it easy to use in shell scripts, but more difficult to use for general or very complex image processing. It also means the image is converted to and from the image file format a lot more frequently, and generally requires the use of many temporary files. PbmPlusNetPBM images do not generally deal with Transparency (though the newer PAM format does), and does not provide a general way of passing image meta-data with the image data. All the PbmPlusNetPBM formats (like the ImageMagick internal format, see MIFF Image Streaming ) can handle a stream of multiple images, simply by concatenating or appending the images together, one after the other. This makes it very well suited for pipelined, multi-image streaming, methods of image processing, such as for video processing. However be warned that some PbmPlusNetPBM programs only deal with single images and will not handle a stream of multiple images. However as it is more low-level, and pre-dates ImageMagick, it is often selected for raw image outputs such as video image output and handling. PbmPlus images is also more often used for scientific data, and as such images are typically stored as linear-RGB colorspace rather than the more common non-linear sRGB colorspace. Caution is advised. Both packages can co-exist, and I have been known to use a PbmPlusNetPBM implementation for some things, instead of ImageMagick. Typically when using a specific low level image processing, or scripting using arrays of values stored in an image form. The two packages work together well, and recommend both be installed and used for serious image work. I was actually the one to make the vital 1995 patch release of NetPBM, during a time when little work was being done on that software. Because of this I have a good understanding of the PbmPlus software and its simple image file format. Since then it has been redeveloped a number of times by different people, and finally seems to have become a proper open source project. The various programs seem to be maturing and start to work together better. However its main problems remain a of lack of meta-data and complexity. But its simplicity as a file format remains its biggest advantage, making it ideal for very low level image and data manipulation. The TIFF format can have a bitmap mask in the form of a clip path, which can be enable using the - clip operator. You can use that clip mask your image with that path using. BMP, Windows Bitmap RAW Camera Image Formats (CRW, CR2,NEF, X3F, etc.) Most digital cameras, with the exception of the Sigma Foveon sensor and some Sony cameras, convert the image produced by the lens into digital data by using millions of sensors which detect the brightness of one specific colour, Red, Green or Blue. In order for the camera to respond to colour in approximately the same way that the human eye does, there are twice as many green sensors as there are of red or blue because our eye is much more sensitive to green light. The sensors are arranged in what is called a Bayer array. For a description and diagrams of this arrangement see, for example, Understanding Digital Camera Sensors. The conversion of the data from a Bayer array into the more familiar RGB pixels requires a process called demosaicing. Once this operation has been done we still do not have an image worth displaying. Even with the extra green pixels, the cameras sensor still does not perceive colour the way we do. If you take a piece of white paper and look at it in bright sunlight and then go indoors and look at it under a fluorescent light, it will look white under both conditions. But if you photograph the sheet of paper under those same conditions using default camera settings, the paper will show slightly different colours when displayed on a screen. The reason is that although the back of our retinas will see the same light reflected off the paper as does the camera, our brain will interpret that light for us and we will perceive the paper as white. The camera simply measures the amount of red, green and blue light reflecting off the paper and under a fluorescent light there will be more blue light than there is under sunlight so the paper in that image will look bluer than the one taken in sunlight. To produce images which both show a white sheet of paper requires that they be white balanced, also referred to as gray balanced or colour balanced. For more about white balancing see Understanding White Balance There are still other aspects of the raw file which must be done, such as setting a correct gamma, but without going into further detail it is clear that the raw file needs a lot of processing before it can become an image that we can view on a monitor. Camera raw files are often referred to as digital negatives. If you take a photo and have the camera generate a JPG image, it will have done the demosaicing and all the other adjustments. But if, for example, you forgot to set the correct white balance in the camera before taking the photo, you cant really do much with the JPG to correct the situation because so much information about the original image has been lost. If, on the other hand, you had produced a raw file from the camera instead of a JPG, during the conversion from raw you can choose a particular white balance setting along with other parameters and if the resulting image doesnt look right you can go back, change the settings and convert it again until it does look right. This is similar to the ability to produce more prints from film negatives. Without the film negative you wouldnt be able to get an 8x10 blowup of one of the 4x6 snapshots you get when the film was first developed. While ImageMagick can handle a large variety of different formats, it does not know how to convert raw camera files, so IM uses the dcraw program as a delegate program to convert the raw file into a format that it does understand, either a TIFF (with the - T flag) or PNM. Note that it is designed for raw camera images, and not those from, for example, a scanner. The dcraw program can handle a large number of different raw formats including those from cameras manufactured by Canon, Fuji, Kodak, Nikon and Sony. You can determine whether dcraw will recognize your raw files by asking it to identify a sample. For example the command: When IM calls dcraw to do a conversion, using the delegate (list using - list delegate ), specifies two flags which affect image processing: The - w flag means that dcraw will use the white balance information in the raw file if it can be found. If the info cant be found, dcraw will use an average of the whole image as a basis for white balancing. The -4 flag means that dcraw will only de-mosaic and white balance the raw photo and output the result as a 16-bit linear image (48 bits per pixel), suitable for the default Q16 version of IM. Because - w and -4 are the only two image processing flags specified, there are some defaults that dcraw will use. The output colour space will be sRGB and no ICC profiling is done (on my system, dcraw was compiled without the LCMS library so it cant do profiling). The fact that the -4 flag is set means that many processing steps have been omitted, including levels adjustment and gamma correction, and so the resulting image will look dark . The intention is that the user is going to process the image with an image editor such as Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro, or even ImageMagick and do their own adjustment of the levels, gamma and so on. In this case, the image should be output to a format that supports 16 bits per colour. (For example TIFF ). Note that just because dcraw produces a 16-bit file doesnt mean that all 16 bits contain useful data. For example, a raw image from a Canon 10D digital SLR has 10 bits per colour. More recent cameras by Canon and other manufacturers have 14 bits per colour. If you want your raw photos converted completely you will have to remove the -4 flag so that dcraw does the de-mosaicing, white balance, brightness and gamma correction and so on. In this case dcraw outputs an 8-bit file (24 bits per pixel). If you are going to do further processing of this image it would be best to output it as a PNG and avoid the JPEG compression artifacts. The JPEG format should only be used as a final step for actual use. In fact, it is always a good idea to use a lossless format such as PNG (or IM internal format MIFF) for intermediate steps in image processing. A special DCRaw Delegate can be added which will let you control how you read the raw camera image formats. For further information look on the DCRaw WebSite. and also the DCRaw Tutorial Website which has some information about many of dcraws optional flags and including histograms of raw images using various flags. The above notes were first extracted from a IM Forum Topic Converting RAW images. by jhfry . with major re-writes by elsupremo . MPEG, M2V and AVI Movies MNG, Multiple-image Network Graphics MNG (pronounce ming) is an open format based on PNG, and provides an animated bitmap alternative to GIF and others. It allows for transparency (both semi and full), compression (both lossy and lossless), and up to 32-bit color depth. The increased color depth is what really sets this format apart from others. GIF only supports up to 256 colors total, which is fine for many graphics however, photographs and gradients will suffer. Most animation options that can be used in creating GIF animations can also be used to create MNGs. The above command generates a radial-gradient image, which is then cloned and adjusted to create a red to brighter red-orange pulse. This is then duplicated to create a reversed Patrol Cycle before creating a 30 second, looped MNG animation. Unfortunately, most Web browsers do not currently support MNG, and many video players only show one pass though the looped animation. If you click on the above missing image frame, you can download the animation and view it using IM Animate Command. For more information on the MNG format, visit MNG Web Site. DPX, Digital Picture Exchange Format This format is used in Motion Picture and Effects industry that makes particular use of the extensive header information and the formats flexibility in being able to handle high dynamic range and logarithmic colour values at a variety of bit depths using RGB or YCbCr pixel descriptions. It is based on, but largely supersedes, Kodaks Cineon format that has more a more film specific header. One example of its use would be when scanning film for use in post production. Each frame would be stored as an individual. dpx file ranging from 2k (2048 pixels wide) to 8k (8192 pixels wide - for IMAX frames) at anything between 8 to 64 bits per colour component. A sequence of these might then be processed using compositing software, altering the colour or adding visual effects. Once complete they might then be recorded digitally to tape or projected back on to film. The colour values for each pixel are often stored logarithmically (particularly if the sequence is destined to be transferred back on to film) which more naturally reflects the density of how colour information is stored in the emulsion on the original film. When viewed without alteration logarithmic files appear to have very low contrast, and so require a look up table to translate the logarithmic image to something that resembles what you might see if the image was transferred back to film and projected in a cinema. Apart from making the image linear (like most typical computer images) and adjusting the gamma level this table sets where the black and white point lies. For a 10 bit logarithmic image where each colour component value ranges from 0 to 1023 the black and white points are normally set at 95 for black and 685 for white. What this means is that the logarithmic file stores colour values that are lighter than what the linear version will display as pure white and darker than what it will display as pure black. This extra information therefore remains available for an effects artists who might wish to alter the brightness of the image after it has been stored as a dpx file. As an example, had this information been lost, reducing the brightness of an image uniformly would result in highlights becoming darker, whereas with this extra information the highlights instead reduce in size and start showing details that were previously too bright to be seen. The latter is far closer to what happens in the real world. The header can contain Film andor Television specific data related to a production. For example the television header can contain a SMPTE time code so that shots exported as a dpx sequence from a productions edit can be easily replaced once any effects have been added. The film header holds information about the reel of film the frames originated from and various camera settings that were used while filming. All these details will then stay with the images as they are passed between post-production companies. Adding a time code to DPX files You can add a time code to any dpx file using the following: Carrying out this command for each of several thousand files that form a sequence from a film or animation would clearly take a very long time. A simple script can be used with ImageMagick to automatically increment the time code for each frame in a sequence. For example see the Perl Script dpxtimecode. pl. A copy of the above was added to the main IM documentation at Introduction to Motion Picture Formats. The above is courtesy of Seth Dubieniec ltseth. infoATdubieniec. co. ukgt, from a long IM Forum Discussion on the DPX Format. He is currently developing DPX applications, so more DPX info is likely to be coming. A PSD image file is the Photoshop Working image file format, just as XCF is the GIMP working file format, and MIFF is ImageMagicks own working file format. They usually contain multi-images, with first image being a all-in-one merger of the current working image. That makes it useful for seeing the working image as it currently stands and is typically used for thumbnailing. All the other images in the multi-image file format are the images that are used to generate that first combined image. That is the individual working layer images, the user was working on at the time it was saved. So if you just want the final image I suggest you append a 0 to the input filename to junk the working images, and just use the all-in-one first image. However if you plan to work with the individual layer images then use 1--1 to skip the first image. If no extra layer images are found than the first image will be returned instead. I do NOT recommend using - delete 0 as that will return no images at all if no layer images follow that first image. Extra notes. If you can provide more information or like to submit a summary of using IM for this format, then please do. Another vector format often used for scalable clipart used by the Microsoft Office set of programs. The input can be scaled changing the - density before reading the image. Flash Animations (SWF) Flash animations are currently not supported by IM. But just for completeness Scott Bicknell reports that the SWF Tool utility swfextract It can extract jpeg or png frames from a flash animation. Wolfgang Hugemann also thinks the Windows freeware tool IrfanView may be able to do this as well. Sounds like a good delegate candidate to me. Webpage Conversion to Image (HTML) If IM loads a HTML it will look for a html2ps to convert the html to postscript which it can then render as an image. This does not work very well, but does work. Using a full web browser is a much better method as it is designed to do the task in the best possible way. The simplest method to use a browser is to just load the page in a browser and then take a screen shot of it. This gets a perfect image of the page but limited to the window size of the browser. Another variation is to have the browser output the page as postscript rather than have IM convert it. This should page the website into smaller pages quite nicely. Under LINUX you can to start a virtual X windows Display server that is large enough to run a browser that shows the whole web site. This can be a VERY tall display. The browser is then run in it and set to fill the entire display. The web site is loaded and again grabs a screen shot. I have seen a script that can even automate that whole complex process. However you can end up with a VERY long image. It is also difficult to know just how big to make the display. Basically it is NOT easy and the best solutions only use IM for the final image processing, not the html to image generation. PCL Printing Format IM PCL is version 6 PCL by default. For version 5 you need to convert your image to black and white. Kodak PhotoCD or ProPhotoCD (PCD) The Kodak PhotoCD file is a multi resolution image file format. That is each file contains the same image at 6 different sizes forming something known as a pyramid image. First image in the file is the lowest resolution (smallest size) and the last the highest resolution (largest size at 3072times2048 pixels). As users typically what the largest resolution image for processing the way to convert a PCD image to some other format like JPG is to grab the sixth or (index 5) from the image file. The - colorspace RGB option is needed in order to get the colors right. Information courtesy of Wolfgang Hugemann ltImageMagickATHugemann. degt from the Magick-Users Mailing list. Raw RGB, and Gray Data Imagemagick has a some file formats for dealing with raw image data, specifically RGB: , and GRAY: . As well as provide settings defining that data. For example to output RGB raw data. The - depth setting specifies the size of the integers written (and later read). In this case 8 bit values with 3 bytes per pixel for RGB, (a 24 bit image). Specifying an appropriate depth is always recomended for handlign raw image data. A - depth of 16 bits, will produce 2 bytes per value, in which case you may also need to specify the - endian or byte order, to be either MSB (most significate byte first), or LSB (least significate byte first, the default). Note that rgb is purely the image data, it does not even contain the width and the height of the image Some applications assume the data is a specific size, so you may need to use IM to ensure that data is this size. For example This resizes and pads the image to ensure it is 512x512 pixels in size. When reading raw RGB (or GRAY) data into ImageMagick you will need to specify how big the image is. For example.

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